In the NHL pre-season there has been a lot of injuries and some belong to star players and can really hurt a team in the beginning of the regular season. There has been fans that want pre-season gone because it is pointless and their stars keep getting hurt. with some of the injuries only lasting two weeks and others are season ending injuries will the NHL think about getting rid of the pre-season or will they make it just that rookies get to play and give the star players time just to practice instead of getting hurt in games that don't matter to their standings or what they will do in the regular season. with some players not even training in the off season and they go right into playing pre-season games they have a high chance of getting hurt and possibly missing the season.
In my opinion I think that they shouldn't get rid of pre-season because even though people don't like that there teams stars are getting hurt for games that don't matter I still think that it is fun to watch the rookies get a chance to play in pro arenas and with fans cheering when they come out on the ice is a fun view and I hope that the NHL will keep the pre-season in the future and I am sure that they will keep it and I don't think that nothing will change it. I think that the only thing that could happen would be is that the teams keep their all-stars off their roster and make them train on and off the ice and just keep the rookies to play the pre-season games to make them get used to playing in front of lots of fans and the high pace speed of playing in the NHL. Another thing that rookies have to endure is to have the mental toughness and physical toughness to play in the NHL with all the hits to take and to deal with the fans and the pressure of the media after every game asking hard questions and to deal with the social media hearing about how the fans will have tons of hate towards how you play. so I think that the NHL should not keep the pre-season but i don't think that it will change.
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