

Friday, 14 November 2014

Connor McDavid out for 6 weeks!

Connor McDavid ( Erie Otters OHL hockey team) was injured in a fight Tuesday night against Bryson Cianfrone of the Mississauga Steelheads. McDavid suffered a fracture of the 5th metacarpal bone McDavid was going to throw a punch and missed and hit the top of the boards. his fractured bone extends from the base of his pinkie finger to the wrist luckily he does not require surgery for the injury. McDavid was going to play in the Subway Super Series on Thursday against team Russia but he was removed as expected but the real question is will he be recovered in time for the worlds juniors and play for team Canada?. McDavid will miss team Canada`s world junior camp in mid December. Hockey Canada must finish their roster by December 25th because they have their first game the next day. Canadian junior coach Benoit Groulx said " there is several weeks before world juniors, so its too early to know" " we hope that he`ll be able to be there, but I don't have that answer yet".

In my opinion Connor McDavid can miss the world juniors because he can get another chance next year and he should just focus on getting through his injury because as soon as he gets better and returns he has to think about playing for the Erie Otters and trying to win the Master Card Memorial cup and than he has to train again for the draft to see what team he gets drafted to. people have to remember that injuries do happen in sports and that it isn't what owners want for their players and that not what the fans want to see either but injuries will always happen it doesn't matter if it was in a fight or a hard hit their will be violence in hockey and it will always be in  hockey.  I don't think that McDavid should have fought because he is a all-star scorer and he shouldn't focus on fighting he should focus on scoring goals because you cant score goals from the penalty box and you cant score goals from the hospital. All-stars don't fight they have enforcers on their team that do that for them so I think that Connor should just stick to doing what he does best and that is playing the game of hockey cleanly and scoring highlight real goals. Nazem Kadri a center from the Toronto Maple Leafs called McDavids injury a " freak accident". Nazem should know because he was a top prospect in the OHL a couple years ago and knows what its like to get targeted. " Obviously it`s unfortunate that that happened," Kadri said " Good for him for standing up for himself.... You don't like to see it but that complete  level, especially in every young star, that's enough`s enough and you're sick and tired of getting abused".  I just think that the stars of hockey should focus on scoring not fighting   

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